Our Philosophy
Kangaroo Ground Pre-school strongly values the development of secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships with children, families and the wider community. We believe that children are capable and competent learners; we respect the child’s right to make decisions, take risks and actively construct their learning. We strive to encourage a sense of connectedness to the natural environment and to enhance environmental responsibility through sustainable practices.
In our work with children
We value each child’s active participation within the program. Children are encouraged and supported to explore, solve problems, communicate, think, create and construct.
We provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes respectful relationships with peers and adults, we support the children on their journey of belonging and development of resilience.
We value the here and now or ‘being’ of childhood. We support the children’s interests and skills as they arise daily with props, ideas and opportunities for extension.
In our partnership with families
We acknowledge the family unit as the children’s first teacher.
We respect the diverse histories, cultures, language, traditions, child rearing practices and lifestyle choices of families at our pre-school.
We strive to provide a service that is flexible and supportive of the needs of the families in our community.
We provide opportunities for families to be involved in the running of the pre-school, including the Committee of Management, working bees, parent help, social gatherings and the suggestion box.
In our role as educators
We provide a flexible program that supports the child as a holistic being.
We support learning through intentional teaching practices and, both incidental and planned, experiences.
We strive to work as a team and support each other’s ideas, interests and experiences. We value a collaborative and co-operative working environment.
We value the self-reflection process and professional learning to benefit the program.
We engage with the children and share in their discoveries, delights and development.
In our relationships with the community
We value a meaningful relationship with the wider community, including local schools. We provide opportunities for school children, both primary and secondary, to visit the pre-school and opportunities for our children to access local schools and their facilities.
We connect families with supporting agencies in the wider community.
We acknowledge the diversity of our community; we seek to develop meaningful connections with the local community so children and families feel connected through a sense of belonging.
Run by community
Kangaroo Ground Pre-school is a community run kinder in the suburb of Kangaroo Ground. In addition to our passionate and skilled educators, the kinder is supported by a dedicated team of parent committee members. If your child attends Kangaroo Ground Pre-school and you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to president@kangaroogroundpreschool.com.au.